you are the moon,
the blemished crater that dims
your surface is deceptive,
sometimes the clouds they shade
and because man can only see the darkness
some would say they stained,
forced you to move into a cycle of setting
before the sun could counter you
leaving a darkened horizon to get through
as you begin to rain tear drops
showing flashes of anger,
lightning striking where it may,
thunderous voices in the atmosphere
can frighten more than what’s really coming,
warning of a storm forcing itself ahead
and you would have nothing to rain
if it wasn't for the raping of body
and mind that lacking hesitation
evaporated and stored defeat,
forming clouds that casts shadows
in the shape of fear, a form of insecurity
so you pray
father remove the stain
that darkens the skies
making every emotion extreme
or numb,
then wonder what kind of God
allows pain and doesn't answer
listen harder,
silence testifies,
darkness holds a secret
greater than the one you keep,
God can't remove
what isn't there,
what never was
you were never stained,
just stalled in progress,
now let the clouds move away,
always pure and beautiful,
an unstained princess,
daughter of a perfected love
always move towards the Son
and the poetry collection Midday Service